List of U.S. Navy acronyms
The U.S. Navy, like any bureaucratic organization, produces its own acronyms, which often come to have meaning beyond their bare expansions. Servicemembers sometimes refer to this as NAVSpeak. Like other organizational slang, its use often creates or reinforces a sense of esprit and closeness within the organization.
Official acronyms
For a comprehensive list of unit organizations in the US Navy, see List of units of the United States Navy.
- 3M - Maintenance and Material Management (3M System)
- 3MC - Maintenance Material Management Coordinator
- CA - Heavy Cruiser (outdated)
- CAG - Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser (outdated) or Commander Air Group
- CDB - Career Development Boards
- CF - Charlie Foxtrot Polite form of "Cluster Fuck"
- CG: Guided Missile Cruiser
- CGN: Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear Powered.
- CMS-ID - Career Management System-Interactive Detailing
- CNO - Chief of Naval Operations
- CO - Commanding Officer[1]
- COB - Chief Of the Boat (traditionally found only on submarines). Can also be used for "close of business."
- COD - Carrier Onboard Delivery
- COMDESGRU - COMmander, DEStroyer GRoUp
- COMLANTFLT - COMmander, u.s. atLANTic FLeeT (see CINCLANTFLT)
- COMEX - Commence Exercise
- COMMO - COMMunications Officer
- COMNAVAIRLANT - COMmander, NAVal AIR forces, atLANTic
- COMNAVAIRPAC - COMmander, NAVal AIR forces, PACific
- COMNAVSECGRU - COMmander, NAVal SECurity GRoUp
- COMPACFLT - COMmander, PACific FLeeT (formerly CINCPACFLT)
- COMPTUEX - COMPosite Training Unit EXercise
- COMSEC - COMmunications SECurity
- COMSUBFOR - COMander, SUBmarine FORce
- COMSUBLANT - COMmander, SUBmarine force AtLANTtic
- Carrier (Lighter-than-air) (No longer in use)
- CMC - Command Master Chief
- CMDCM - Command Master Chief
- CSC - Command Senior Chief
- CSC - Combat Systems Coordinator
- CSC - Culinary Specialist Chief (E-7)
- CMDCS - Command Senior Chief
- CPO - Chief Petty Officer
- CSEC - Computerized Self Evaluation Checklist
- CVN - Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier (Carrier Vessel, Nuclear),[2] i.e. CVN-72 USS Abraham Lincoln
- CVW - Carrier Air Wing
- CWO - Chief Warrant Officer
- EAOS - End of Active Obligated Service
- ECRC - Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center
- EDMC - Engineering Department Master Chief (Submarines)
- EEBD - Emergency Escape Breathing Device
- EIDWS - Enlisted Information Dominance Warfare Specialist
- EMI - Extra Military Instruction
- EOOW - Engineering Officer Of the Watch
- ERS - Engineroom Supervisor
- ESWS - Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist
- EWS - Engineering Watch Supervisor
- FAC - Forward Air Controller
- FAC/A - Forward Air Controller/Airborne
- FCF - Functional CheckFlight
- FDO - Flight Deck Officer
- F/MC - Fleet (or Force) Master Chief
- FMF - Fleet Marine Force
- FMSS - Field Medical Service School
- FOD - Foreign Object Damage (Debris and Detection also used in some cases)
- FRC - Fleet Readiness Center
- FRS - Fleet Replacement Squadron (Formerly RAG)
- FSO - Food Service Officer
- FTN - Forget the Navy (Polite Form)
- FTN - Full-time Navy (Humorous Form)
- GQ - General Quarters (Call to battle stations)
- GCCS-M - Global Command Communications System-Maritime
- GSA - Global War on Terrorism Support Assignments
- HELO - Helicopter
- HS - Helicopter Squadron (HS-4 Black Knights)
- HM - Hospital Corpsman
- HMFIC - Head M F In Charge (See SOPA Below)
- IAMM - Individual Augmentation Manpower Management
- IAW - "in accordance with"
- ICO - "in case of" "in care of"
- IMF - Intermediate Maintenance Facility
- IMRL - Individual Material Readiness List
- IRT - "in reference to..."
- MCPO - Master Chief Petty Officer
- MMCPO - Maintenance Master Chief Petty Officer
- MCO - Material Control Officer
- MMCO - Maintenance/Material Control Officer
- MCPON (pronounced "Mick Pon") - Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
- MIDRATS - MIDnight RATions
- MPA - Main Propulsion Assistant
- MPA - Military Patrol Craft (P-3 Orion, etc.)
- MO - (pronounced "Moe") Maintenance Officer
- MM - Machinist's Mate
- MSW - Main Seawater System
- MSG - message
- PACOM - Pacific Command
- PCS - Permanent Change of Station
- PFA - Physical Fitness Assessment
- POD - Plan of the Day
- POTUS - President of the United States
- POW - Plan of the Week
- PRD - Projected Rotation Date
- PRIFLY - PRImary FLight Control (Aircraft carriers)
- PSNS and IMF - Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility
- PT - Physical Training
- PTS - Perform to Serve
- PWD - Public Works Department
- SA - Seaman Apprentice
- SAG - Surface Action Group
- SAM - Surface-to-air missile[1]
- SAU - Search and Attack Unit
- SCAT - Small Craft Attack Team
- SE - Support Equipment
- SEALs - United States Navy SEALs (stands for SEa, Air, Land), officially termed Special Warfare Operators.
- SECDEF - United States Secretary of Defense
- SECNAV - United States Secretary of the Navy
- SCBA - Self-contained breathing apparatus
- SCPO - Senior Chief Petty Officer
- SCW - Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist insignia
- SICLOS - Shift Inspect Clean Lube Oil Strainers
- SLBM - Submarine-launched ballistic missile
- SN - Seaman
- SNA - Student Naval Aviator
- SO - Special Warfare Operator, aka US Navy SEAL.
- SOFA - Status of Forces Agreement
- SOPA - Senior Officer Present Afloat
- SOP(A) - Senior Officer Present (Ashore)
- SPAWAR - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
- SR - Seaman Recruit
- SRB - Selective Reenlistment Bonus
- SRW - Shutdown Roving Watch
- SS - Submarine or submersible ship
- SSBN (aka Boomers) - Hull classification symbol for ballistic missile submarine. The SS denotes submarine, the B denotes ballistic missiles, and the N denotes nuclear-powered.
- SSGN - Hull classification symbol for cruise missile submarine. The SS denotes submarine, the G denotes guided missile, and the N denotes nuclear-powered.
- SSN - Hull classification symbol for general-purpose fast attack submarines. The SS denotes submarine, while N denotes nuclear-powered.
- SSTG - Ships Service Turbine Generator
- STREAM - Standard Tension REplenishment Alongside Method
- SUBRON - SUBmarine squadRON
- SUPPO - SUPPly Officer
- SWCC (swick) - Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen, the Special Operations Forces who operate and maintain an inventory of boats used to support special operations missions, particularly those of the U.S. Navy SEALs.
- SWO - Surface Warfare Officer
- VERTREP - Vertical replenishment
- VCNO - Vice Chief of Naval Operations
- VAQ - Fixed Wing Electronic-Attack Squadron
- VAW - Fixed Wing Airborne Early Warning Squadron
- VF - Fixed Wing Fighter (no longer used)
- VFA - Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron
- VP - Fixed Wing Patrol Squadron
- VRC - Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC-30 Providers)
- VTU - Volunteer Training Unit
- WCS Work Center Supervisor
- WO Warrant Officer
- WSO (Wizzo) - Weapon Systems Operator/Naval Flight Officer
- WTD Watertight Door
See also
Notes and references
Navy Acronyms and Navy Abbreviations